So after 11 months of planning we are finally off…nice send off from our families.
A few wobbles with the ESTA entry documents before we had even left Heathrow (details later) all sorted out by a very nice chap from Norwegian Air!
So much effort had gone into the planning that I had not really thought about visiting New York City, but the customs were closed until Monday so it would be rude not too…..the Citi Bikes were great for getting around.
JFK is huge and takes some time to navigate around but we got there in the end, thanks Joey for the ride…….
Going from building 21 (Virgin) Building 77 (Customs) and back again… Mike was a great help……thanks Mike:-)
finally the Bikes are released from storage. I will put more details in a Visa and borders section later……
It took about 2 hours to unpack both bikes….
and we are free to go……Yahooooooooooo!!!
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