Horizons Unlimited

Baskerville Hall

Horizons Unlimited has been going now since 1997 and judging by the 2017 event is still as popular as ever. This is where it all started for us, we went away on two Royal Enfields, just for a few beers,  listen to some presentations and meet up with a few friends. However at some point over the weekend probably after an inspirational speaker or more likely a late night beer a seed was planted in our heads. Seriously, be careful if you go to one of these events you may end up coming away with more than you bargined for.

On the Horizons website they talk about Inspiring, Informing and Connecting and i think that about sums this events up.

The 2018 Horizons Unlimited event is again at Baskerville Hall on the 14th to 17th of June 2018.

We took so much junk/stuff, we could have stayed for two weeks! True to say we have come a long way in our preparations since last summer. We are fast running out of time now before we leave some 11 months later and probably you really do need 18 month to get your act together.

So a big thank you to everyone at the event and since that we have bombarded with questions, too many to mention but you know who you are.

We will not be able to repay your generosity (and patience) but maybe we can help others that follow us…


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